Archery Ireland
Archery Ireland
Anti Doping Rules

Archery Ireland
Anti-Doping policy
Archery Ireland
Guidelines on the use of Alcohol & Prescription Medications
Body heat loss
Reaction times
Sport injuries
Muscle cramps
Vitamin and mineral loss
Some points to think about
Consider your alcohol consumption
Check Your Meds
Guidelines on Anti-doping
All people from time to time require medication for their health and well being. If you need medication consult your doctor or pharmacist for advice, or check out This site provides free Irish specific, accurate, up to date, comprehensive information and is designed to support, not replace the relationship between the user and his/her pharmacist and/or medical doctor. All the information relates to products that are available in Irish Pharmacies.
Therapeutic Use Exemptions “TUEs”
Standard Therapeutic Use Exemption
Abbreviated Therapeutic Use Exemption
Many people take supplements which are available in shops, health stores, supermarkets and pharmacies. These often lack complete information about the contents. If you use supplements you should enquire from the manufacturer as to their specific contents. These may be listed on the web site.