Archery Ireland

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AI News & Events

AGM and N.E.C. elections

With the AGM coming up in the near future, we would like to make you aware of the positions that are up for election at the AGM. The National Executive Committee (N.E.C.)  positions up for election are as follows:
N.E.C. –
Communications Secretary – two terms completed
Secretary – up for election
Treasurer – up for electionNominations for the above positions will be taken in writing (email is fine) to the following;

email :
Post to: 
Archery Ireland
Sports HQ
National Sports Campus
Dublin D15 DY62

there are also a few National committee (N.C.) positions that are currently vacant, if you are interested in any of these positions then please feel free to respond to this email, stating the position(s) that you are interested in.

N.C. –
Records officer
Competitions secretary
Anti Doping Officer (A.D.O.) – stepped down as taken up Junior Manager
Social inclusion development officer ( S.I.D.O. ) – stepped down
Equipment Officer – currently not filled
Club Development Officer ( C.D.O. )

If you are interested in any of the above positions, or know of someone who may be interested, please send an email to, with details of the person and position of interest. job descriptions for the above positions can be seen at the following address:


Paul Cullen
Hon. Secretary