This Saturday coming, the18th of Nov the Archery Ireland Junior Squad well commence its preparation for the up coming season, to enable further development in the squad the first 4 sessions will be open to prospective new and budding archers for trials from Archery Ireland affiliated clubs who shoot either Recurve, Compound or Barebow.
If you and your club coaches believe that you have cadets or juniors within your club who would be suitable for trials given the following criteria then I would encourage them to attend the sessions which will be trials for the squad of 2018.
Cadets and juniors may try out for the squad if they meet the following criteria
–They are Archery Ireland members.
-They are recommended by their club coach as being of a suitable standard.
-They shoot either of the following disciplines Recurve, Compound or Barebow.
-They are one of the following age groups cadets 13 years and older or they are Juniors for the upcoming outdoor season in 2017.(An athlete may participate in a Junior Class in tournaments when the competition takes place up to and in the year of his 20th birthday)
-They are cable of shooting the required distances of 50m for compound and 60/70 for Recurve cadet/junior the initial trials will be indoors. Barebow archers should be competent on a 40cm face at 18m.
Please let me know if your club will be sending any archer for trials who was not on the squad last year .
The First open session will be held at the Dublin Archers indoor training hall on Sat the 18th of Nov, it will be a 10am arrival and set up for a 10:30 start.Please insure you bring all the required equipment, full set of arrows, along with your club jersey or sports cloths, exercise mat is also useful if you have one to bring.
The Address for the first session is as follows : Pobalscoil Neasan, Moyclare Road, Baldoyle, Dublin 13, Co. Dublin , D13 N5P1. GPS co-ordinates: 53.392794, -6.130933
The following are the details for the remaining open sessions.
The 2nd Open session in Dec will be hosted in the same venue in Baldoyle on 16th Dec.
The 3rd Open session on Jan the 20th will be aiming to be hosted in Cork City Archery Club in their indoor training venue at Nemo Rangers GAA Grounds. The address is as follows Mount Vernon Cres, Ballinlough, Cork, T12 R2PC, Ireland.( This will be confirmed closer to the date)
The 4th Open Session will be held on the 17th Feb, the venue is to be confirmed
Each open session is a 10am for 10:30 session.
Post the February session, squad selection will be made and all those who completed the trials will be notified accordingly if they were successful or not in making the squad for 2017.
Once again please let me know if your club will be sending any archer for trials who was not on the squad last year as it will help plan for numbers attending
Thanks David Leen–
Junior Manager – Archery |