Archery Ireland

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AI News & Events

AGM Notice

On behalf of the National Executive of Archery Ireland, I hereby give notice that the Annual General Meeting of Archery Ireland (Irish Amateur Archery Association Ltd.) will be held on Sunday the 19th of June at 2pm in the Conference Centre, at The National Sports Campus, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15

The Business of the AGM will be as follows:

  • Receive and consider the report of the committee for the past year.
  • Receive and consider the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet for the past year.
  • Appoint Auditors for the ensuing year.
  • Vote on Entrance Fees and Annual Subscriptions for the following year.
  • Elect the Officers of the Association as defined under Articles of the constitution.

The Annual General Meeting Agenda shall be: 

  • Attendance and Apologies.
  • Minutes of 2015 AGM.
  • Matters Arising.
  • Annual Report.
  • Financial Report: Click HERE to download
  • Appointment of Auditors for 2017.
  • Entrance Fees and Annual Subscriptions for 2017.
  • Proposal of Honorary Memberships.
  • Election of Officers.

Election of Officers: The executive positions open for election are as follows. 
Click on links below for Job Information:
Communications Secretary

In accordance with article of the constitution, ‘Any candidate for election as an officer and  member of the NEC shall have been proposed and seconded by electors of the Association. Such nominations in writing shall have been deposited with the Honorary Secretary at the registered Office of the Association no less than four (4) days before the day of the AGM. In the event of their being insufficient nominations for the positions of officers or members of the NEC, further candidates may be proposed and seconded at the AGM.’

Constitutional Changes
In accordance with the Constitution, members wishing to propose changes to the constitution,
should forward the resolution outlining the proposed section, and the nature of the proposed
change in writing by post to the Secretary at the address above or by email to to arrive by 1pm on the 15th  of June at the latest.

National Committee
The National committee consist of 21 positions. These positions are by appointed of the NEC and
many of them are vacant at present. The full committee consist of the following positions.

  • Competition Secretary,
  • Webmaster,
  • Medical Officer,
  • Records Officer,
  • Anti-Doping Officer,
  • Athlete Protection Officer,
  • Vetting Officer,
  • Club Development Officer,
  • Judge Secretary,
  • Sport Development Officer,
  • Sport Inclusion Officer,
  • Assistant Treasure,
  • Public Relations Officer,
  • Equipment Officer,
  • Purchase Officer,
  • Junior Manager,
  • Junior Coach,
  • National Coach,
  • Team Manager
  • International Secretary

In order to provide continued continuity of services it is very important that these positions are filled.  With this in mind the NEC are requesting that every club with more than 30 members to put forward one member for a position on the committee. Clubs with more than 75 members are requested to put forward 2 members for the committee.
A name being put forward is not a guarantee of a position on the committee and these places will be filled in the following meeting, proceeding the AGM.

Finally, the executive of Archery Ireland would like to thank you for all your support and input over
the past year.

Yours sincerely
Gerry Deegan,
Honorary Secretary
Archery Ireland.