Greenhills Archers Anniversary shoot took place on the 27th of October with great success and at the highest order.
John Kane from C.A.C Northern Ireland Archery Society (NIAS) judge and Tony McGloughlin from Archery Ireland ran and judged the competition with discipline & fun for all was had.
Tom Moylan, Greenhills Archers president and director of shooting along with twinned club Liffey Archers welcomed 8 other clubs from all parts of the country, from Athenry to Ardee and in between. Continuing the respect and standing Greenhills have in the sport of archery in Ireland.
Michael Cooney taking the top spot in the senior compound for Lexlip. Adam Banks Junior & Schools coach for Greenhills took top podium in the senior recurve and Sharon Murphy for Athboy archery took 1st in the juniors.
Well done to one and all. Laughs and chats over numerous teas and coffees were had all day with members from all clubs having great crack. While lunch & facilities were of the highest order, you would be hard pressed to find a warmer welcome than Greenhills Archers.
Attended by so many clubs it leaves only to say, Thank You All from all of us in Greenhills Archers
Article thanks to Christy Banks, PRO Greenhills Archery Club